Instructor Preparation - Online Blended Part 1
Course Content
- Instructor preparation and update course introduction
- FAW Blended Part One Introduction and Regulations
- The Human Body
- First Aid the Initial Steps
- Asking permission and consent to help
- Calling the Emergency Services
- What3Words - location app
- Waiting for the E.M.S to arrive
- Scene Safety
- Chain of Survival
- DR ABC and the ABCD'S
- Using gloves
- How to use face shields
- Hand Washing
- Waterless hand gels
- Initial Assessment and Recovery Position
- BSi First Aid Kit
- Cardiac Arrest and Heart Conditions
- Adult CPR Introduction
- Heart Attack
- Heart Attack Position
- Aspirin and the Aspod
- Respiration and Breathing
- Pulse Points
- When to call for assistance
- Adult CPR
- Effective CPR
- Improving breaths
- Improving compressions
- Compressions Only CPR
- CPR Hand Over
- Seizures and Cardiac Arrest
- Drowning
- AED Introduction
- Using an AED - brief overview and demonstration
- Choking Management
- Bleeding Control
- Catastrophic Bleeding
- Why is this Training Now Required?
- Prioritising first aid
- Bleeding assessment
- Blood Loss - A Practical Demonstration
- Hemostatic Dressing or Tourniquet?
- Tourniquets and Where to Use Them
- Types of Tourniquets
- Improvised Tourniquets
- When Tourniquets Don't Work - Applying a Second
- Hemostatic Dressings
- Packing a Wound with Celox Z Fold Hemostatic Dressing
- The Woundclot range
- How Does Woundclot Work
- Woundclot features
- Woundclot and direct pressure
- Packing a wound with Woundclot
- Woundclot and knife crime injuries
- Woundclot and large areas
- Shock and Spinal Injury
- Injuries
- Secondary Care Introduction
- Injury Assessment
- Strains and Sprains and the RICE procedure
- Adult fractures
- Splints
- Dislocated Shoulders and Joints
- Types of head injury and consciousness
- Eye Injuries
- Foreign object in the eye
- Burns and burn kits
- Treating a burn
- Blister Care
- Electrical Injuries
- Abdominal Injuries
- Chest Injuries
- Heat emergencies
- Cold emergencies
- Dental Injuries
- Bites and stings
- Treating Snake Bites
- Splinters
- Illness
- Introduction to Paediatric and Adult First Aid
- Paediatric CPR and Choking
- Specific Paediatric Conditions
- How to use an AED
- Extra Subjects to allow you to teach specialist courses
- Teaching Equipment
- Summary
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Get StartedBOC Oxygen Kit
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This is a typical oxygen kit. And we are going to look at each of the individual components of the oxygen kit separately, but this is the whole unit. Now what this one is, is the BOC LIFELINE kit. Inside here, you have got all the main components, but to start with we will talk about the bag. Bags with oxygen kits have to be fairly well padded because they are going to be moved around from place to place. So this has got actually padded sides to it. It's also a backpack, so you can carry it easy. And it's got a handle on the top. So very, very simple and easy to work with. The bag itself has a window in it. The reason for that is so you can see through the window just to check to see how much oxygen's in. So you don't need to keep opening the bag up just to have a look at the gauge. Inside the kit itself, all the items there are fixed in. We have got the tank, it's held together by a strap. All other components are tucked in. So it keeps it nice and simple and easy. And the content's then well protected. Most oxygen kits would then have some kind of signs. It's quite important that you do display signs. With oxygen, it is a major component of the fire triangle. So if you're putting an oxygen kit into a car or into a building, you would need to display some kind of signage to say that it's here. Just in case there was a fire, and the fire brigade can actually see what's available. Now, the oxygen kit itself, start with here, we have got the tank, which is secured in place. You can leave the tank in place by using the oxygen kit. You don't need to take it out, because the way that the lid works here, it cuts it away, you can still control. Can get to all the controls of the unit. Other things inside the kit are the main mask. Now this is the non-rebreather mask. And also in here, you will have some extra hosing to actually then transfer the oxygen. So this is the mask you will probably use most of the time. Now there are sealed units. we will have a look individually, at all these masks in a separate video but it keeps them clean. So when they are actually used for the first time and they are single use, so if you did have to use this, you'd use that, get to replace it. First thing with any kind of emergency is making sure you have got gloves on. So all of the kits would have a packet of gloves. And they'll always be put on the top so you can get to them very, very easily. Another mask that's in these kits is the pocket mask or a nasal mask. Now, this would be used if you're actually resuscitating somebody. Final thing inside the kit is a waste bag for clinical waste. So if you have anything you need to dispose of, it may be you're working with tissues, your gloves, the masks, you can dispose of them in the bag safely and then dispose them by the correct method. Now this is an example of one kit. It's quite a popular kit that you will see out and about. But there are other versions. Some of them will come in barrel bags, some of them come in plastic boxes, or maybe the components of this oxygen kit are put into a different medical bag. So maybe the oxygen kit is within all the rescue or the first aid equipment that are likely to be used in an emergency.
Portable and Reliable Oxygen Support
Your Essential Medical Oxygen Solution
Kit Contents
What's Inside the LIFELINE Kit
- Lightweight Oxygen Cylinder: Easy to Transport
- Integral Regulator: Convenient and Efficient
- Various Oxygen Masks: Customized Options
Oxygen Delivery
Flexible Oxygen Flow Rates
- Range: 1 to 15 Litres Per Minute
- Duration: Up to 30 Minutes at Highest Flow Rate
- Ensures Stability: Prevents Deterioration of Casualty
Annual Cylinder Inspection
BOC Healthcare's Quality Assurance
Analyzing and Maintaining Cylinder Performance
Refill and Customization
Convenient Services to Meet Your Needs
- Next Working Day Refill Service: Prompt Support
- Tailoring Options: Additional Equipment
Advantages of the LIFELINE Oxygen Kit
- Safe and User-Friendly: Suitable for All
- Portability: Easy to Carry
- Variable Flow Rates: Precise Oxygen Delivery
- Annual Maintenance: Reliability Assurance
- Refill Convenience: Timely Support
- Infection Risk Reduction: Minimal Patient Contact
The LIFELINE Oxygen Kit offers a comprehensive solution for medical oxygen needs, ensuring portability, reliability, and ease of use.